Your customer needs a sign. Not just any sign but one that will grab attention and draw people into the store—which is after all the primary purpose of a store sign.

So you pick a good example such as the Best Buy sign where they apparently discovered that 17 percent of customers were people who did not intend to stop there but did because they saw the sign. They ascribe this not only to the sign being consistent with their brand, overall marketing and corporate colours, but also because their sign is in colours often mentioned as being good combinations, particularly black and yellow.

You explain that the Best Buy sign is credited with generating business because it complies with three important features of good signs:

  1. Compelling colours: Black and yellow against a dark blue background.
  2. Contrast for readability
  3. Big, bold lettering.

The Best Buy signs are hardly beautiful art, but that’s not their function. Generating business is their function. Ask you customer how often they’ve seen artistically magnificent signs with fancy script but that don’t make it readily obvious what they’re supposed to be promoting.

Your customer’s business is on a street where other signs are also throwing messages at passers by. It only makes sense that if you design their sign properly, it will convey their message in a way more likely to catch attention in a competitive situation.