Ten reasons to attend trade shows

Yes, I know that this isn’t the first time (nor will it be the last) that I urge attendance at trade shows. Let me yet again give you ten reasons why you should do this: It’s good exposure. Your presence is noticed and creates a positive impression of your...
Customers and response time

Customers and response time

We should by now all know that today’s customer is impatient and thus not willing to wait for as long as some small businesses seem to think they can take to respond to inquiries. In this regard, and to make my point, I unearthed a study from a few years ago in...

It’s not just about colours, graphics, and fonts

A common design recommendation for outdoor signs and billboards is that in order to be visible from a distance, the designer should pay attention to the size of the graphics, easily-read fonts, and the colours. But not mentioned as often is another important design...
Burnout – it’s real and it’s dangerous

Burnout – it’s real and it’s dangerous

Henry Ford is reported to have said: “I do not believe that a man can ever leave his business. He ought to think of it by day and dream of it by night.” If he did indeed say this, and was implying a 24-7 business preoccupation, we must hope that he wasn’t addressing...